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추천 최상위 줄기과학 , 1031 , 안쌤 , 수달쌤

안쌤 영재교육연구소
사이트에 등록된 모든 정보의 검색결과 입니다.
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네이버 전문자료 (903건) NAVER OpenAPI

Toughness program originality, the impact on emotional intelligence and creative thinking skills of local children``s center for childr
Adaption of Activities in an Korean Elementary School English Textbook to Enhance Creative-Thinking Ability 본 연구는 미래사회
The effect of 「K&T creative thinking program」 on preschoolers' creative thinking and intelligence 본 연구는 보육시설의 유
The effect of multifactor- based program on preschoolers' creative thinking and inteligence 지능이나 창의성을 양적으로 측
(A) Study on the Inteligence and Creative Thinking of Disorder Children Attending to Childcare Center : Focused on Multifactor-based Pr
Design and Application of Music Coding Instructions for Cultivating Creative and Convergent Thinking 이 연구는 창의·융합적
A Study on Creative and Convergent SW Education Programs for improving Computational Thinking After the fourth industrial revolution ca
A Study on The Development and Verification of a Design Creative-Convergence Educational Model for the Improvement of Creative Thinking
Teaching method, Subject (documents), Sociology, Plan (drawing), Mathematics education, Goal setting, Curriculum, Cultural studies,
강의 관련 문의는
카카오톡 채널로 문의해주시기 바랍니다.
상담시간 10:00 ~ 18:00
토일 및 공휴일은 쉽니다.


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