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추천 최상위 줄기과학 , 1031 , 안쌤 , 수달쌤

안쌤 영재교육연구소
사이트에 등록된 모든 정보의 검색결과 입니다.
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네이버 전문자료 (4,122건) NAVER OpenAPI

Comparison and analysis of the differences in creativity convergence competency of university students to develop a creativity converge
Verification of 5C model for university student's creativity confluence competency 본 연구는 대학생의 창의융합역량을 타
The Effect of Creativity Convergence Competency and Creative Leadership on Self-Directed Learning 본 연구에서는 창의성이 강
Analysis of the high school teachers' perception about creative convergence education and the differences of creative convergence compe
Analysis of Creativity Convergence Competency and Self-Concept of Engineering Students for Creativity Convergence Education 본 연구
Differences in Perception of Arts College Students on Creative Convergent Competence 문화예술교육사 자격제도가 마련됨에
Development of a Maker Education Program Using Cement and Mold for Middle School Students and Effect on Convergence Ability for Creativ
Recognition and Needs of University Students about Creativity Convergence Education 대학은 대학생의 창의융합역량 향상을
Influence of Personality Development of College Students on Core Competences - Focusing on HumanisticㆍGlobalㆍCreative Convergence
Analysis on recognition of creativity convergence education and creativity convergence competency of international students 본 연구
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카카오톡 채널로 문의해주시기 바랍니다.
상담시간 10:00 ~ 18:00
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