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네이버 전문자료 (64건) NAVER OpenAPI

Optimizing Material Parameters of Ductile Fracture Criteria for the Nimonic Sheets using the Virtual Fields Method Hosford-Coulomb Du
New virtual fields method formulations based on the finite element approach for identifying constitutive parameters Inverse Method, V
Sensitive analysis on optimum specimen design for an orthotropic sheet material by using the Virtual Field Method(VFM) Virtual Fields
Sensitive analysis on optimum specimen design for an orthotropic sheet material by using the Virtual Field Method(VFM) Virtual Fields
The Image of the Ideal Doctor: Reviewing Luke Fildes' The Doctor of 1891 19세기 후반 영국의 대표적인 사회적 사실주의
목차 사실 확인과 제도적 문제 지적 부족했던 필즈상 수상 보도 : 인물 보도 문제점 비평 / 임영호 1
Music Production Using Solar Fields’ Music Production Techniques : Focusing on the Original Composition, ‘Midnight Theater’ 솔
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